Give your Windows 7 or Vista OS memory extra thrust with Readyboost option
Increasing the virtual memory of your Windows 7/Vista operating system only helps a bit in solving memory management issues. By personal experience I’m not a big fan of Windows virtual memory enhancing option as it is not that dynamic in solving memory related constraints. Windows 7 or Vista users have a very good option called Memoryboost up their sleeve that uses any custom flash drive as an extra RAM. This option was always there in Windows Vista/7 and if you don’t know how to set it up, well it is pretty easy.
• Right-click the USB flash memory drive letter and select “Properties”.
• Click the “Readyboost” tab at top in the Properties window.
• Now in the list of options, select “Dedicate this device to ReadyBoost.”
• Optionally, you can choose “Use this device” and dedicate a specific amount of Readyboost memory on the USB drive.
• Click the “OK” button.
There you have it, some extra memory to do away with hang-ups and slow PC performance.
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