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Give your Windows 7 or Vista OS memory extra thrust with Readyboost option

Increasing the virtual memory of your Windows 7/Vista operating system only helps a bit in solving memory management issues. By personal experience I’m not a big fan of Windows virtual memory enhancing option as it is not that dynamic in solving memory related constraints. Windows 7 or Vista users have a very good option called Memoryboost up their sleeve that uses any custom flash drive as an extra RAM. This option was always there in Windows Vista/7 and if you don’t know how to set it up, well it is pretty easy.

Right-click the USB flash memory drive letter and select “Properties”.
Click the “Readyboost” tab at top in the Properties window.
Now in the list of options, select “Dedicate this device to ReadyBoost.”
Optionally, you can choose “Use this device” and dedicate a specific amount of Readyboost memory on the USB drive.

Click the “OK” button.
There you have it, some extra memory to do away with hang-ups and slow PC performance.

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