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Enable or Disable Ctrl+Alt+Del Login in Windows Vista

You must have seen in some older versions of Windows there was an option to press Ctrl+Alt+Del button before you got to your username and password to logon. This option is supposed to provide an extra layer of security and prevent malicious programs from accessing the system.This guide will tell you how to enable or disable this option in Windows Vista and Windows 7.

But this option is not by default in Windows Vista. In some versions of Windows 7, like the Ultimate version, once may find it enabled by default. You can enable and disable this option manually.

Step 1: Click the start button. Now type “netplwiz” in the search box provided. Click on the search result.
It will open the user account setting. 

Step 2: Open the Advanced tab. Under Secure logon field, check the box that says “Require users to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete”. Click on Apply and then OK. That’s it. 

You are done.

If the feature is enabled and you find it annoying to hit Ctrl+Alt+Del every time while logging on then you could disable it by unchecking the same box.


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