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Get 100 GB Free Storage With Quick File Sharing Option

Some days back i wrote about SurDoc. An cloud storage website which gives you 100 GB of free storage. SurDoc offers this service for Windows, Mac & Android smartphone. Today, I came across a new cloud based file sharing service called "Shared", which comes with a 100GB of free storage for all the users. I don't think you need any more information on this on what is and how to upload and use of such File sharing sites. Lets explore it.

Talking about Shared, all you have to do is signup or login using your Facebook account. For Registration, it is very simple and easy process. You only have to give your Username, Password and Email. Once you complete the registration and login, you will see the dashboard.

The interface is very simple and easy to understand. There will be a search bar, your username and the folder creating options will be available in the left panel. You can upload and save files directly on the homepage or save them in separate folders. To create a folder, click “Create Folder” option in the left panel and give a name to your folder. Once you create it, start uploading your files to the folder. It gives you option to view your files in either Thumbnail view or list view.

You also have an optoin of creating sub-folders inside the root folder to categorize your files. If you want to shre your file, just click on the Share link and you will see the sharing option with the link. In the right top corner you have there will be two buttons. One is to upload files and other one will pull the menu.

A sidebar bar with different set of options will open when you click the “Menu” button. The sidebar carries all the settings and options of the application. The first option “Settings”, contains all the profile related information of the app. Referring you friend will give you 30 % offer when upgrading to Premium Account.

It is simple and easy to use along with easily sharing the files. Comparing to SurDoc this is more user friendly and only available for the web without any installation.

Visit Shared


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