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This Website Lets You Logs Out of Everything You’re Signed In To

We use internet in our day to day life. There can be so many reasons to ue it. Like checking mail, visiting social sites, bank related work, Shopping, Professional sites, and many more. But are we taking proper care for that? here, care means logging out after you work is done. If you the only one using your PC or laptop then its ok. But if you are living with friends or using PC or laptop in college or cafe you might sometime forget to logout. This can seriously affect your personal identity.

Unlike smartphone who has a special kill switch to wipe out all the data when got stolen or lost. Many of us, like me, has an habit of keeping browsers in "Always Signed in" mode which can trigger the risk if someone unlocks your PC. Therefore, to overcome this problem, i found a way using which all our logged in sessions will gets logout. Its Super Logout. Super Logout is a little web service with a self-explanatory name. What it does is it logs you out of all of the things, all of them (except for some reason Facebook and Twitter).

When I personally visited the site, it gave me a list of sites that i am logged into and automatically a green OK was displayed in front of it. Now the green OK means that you are logged out but actually it takes some time to actually logged out. I also found some sites, having green OK, which i had never visited in my life. Now i don't know how is that happening. But it assures to get logged out, definitely.

Another major think that i didn't liked, it was missing Facebook and Twitter. This is something odd. Because this are the sites which people uses too often. May be they will plan to add it in the list.

Just give it a try and lets me know if this really works. And if it does, then its interesting to use it. Please keep posting your comments.

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