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Givetu: A Website That Suggest Gift !!

Gifting is something everyone must have done or say is still doing it, like me. For some you need an occassion to gift whereas for some, you can gift them anytime you want. Gifts can be for Friends, GF, BF, Family, Relatives, Wife, Husbands any many such near and dear ones. The only question tha arrives in everyone's mind is, "What to gift?". Even when you decide who to gift, the above question still remains. Many times you just keep thinking about what to gift and the occassion goes away.

But now, to overcome this, 'Givetu' is going to help you decide what you can gift to your near and dear one. Not only this but its going to decide the gift based on your budget. Isn't that great. Givetu is a little web app that helps you find a budget appropriate gift by asking you their gender, age range, and your relationship with them. Although it’s geared towards closer family members, it’s best used for people you aren’t related to. The gift suggestions are meant to suit people with varying tastes. If you don’t like a suggested gift, you can ask for another one.

How it works:

1. Go to Givetu.me

2. Enter the details based on your requirement.

3. You will be displayed with the gift item. If you like it, click on I'm Interested else, click What Else. You will be provided with new gift item.

You can check as much as you need. If you like a gift suggestion, click ‘I’m interested’ and you will be taken a website (it’s mostly Amazon) where you can purchase it.

If you are from India, you won't be able to get most of the gift. But after looking to most of the items, you won't be very happy or i should say you wont end up getting something in your hand. But you can definately give it a try.

Visit Givetu


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