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BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) For Android Is Now Available On Google Play Store

Android mobile is very much known for some chat messenger. Yes, there are other features for which we all know it, but chat apps are something which very widely used by Android smartphone users. We have some chatting applications like WhatsApp, WeChat, Line and many others. But using this app you can chat only with the person who is using the same app on his smartphone. Same was the case with Blackberry. You require BBM Pin to chat with the person or friend. But recently the Blackberry Limited came up with an Android version of BBM.

Blackberry had finally released the much awaited BBM for Android Client on Google PLAY Store. Blackberry initially launched its BBM product for Aussies and then it took off its app from the PLAY Store due to some reasons and its back again. Now, this app is available in Play Store, so just hurry before it gets removed again.


Installation and Configuring of BBM seems pretty much simple, all you need to do is to just follow the simple on screen instructions.


Now this can be a competition for WhatsApp and other messenger service that are currently in a boom on Android. So if you the person who installed and tried it, please do leave your comments and experience of using it.

Download BBM for Android


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