Gesture-Based Handwriting Keyboard For Android
When i bought Samsung S4, the first thing that came in my mind was, why there's not stylus provided for this phone? I always wanted to write something while messaging or using Whats app, instead of typing every time. I also looked for such keyboards which will provide such feature of writing messages instead of typing on it. Then i came through this application named, MyScript Stylus. It helps you see what you type and your handwriting experience to all Android devices and tablets running Android 3.0 and above. This app is a keyboard replacement that recognizes handwriting input and converts it into text in real-time.
I was able to successfully install it on my S4 and it works as it says. Though S4 don't have stylus, but you can type using your fingertip and it recognizes it very well. It takes the spaces when you stop writing. The word highlighted in blue is the one that you’re currently working with.
The handwritten input is converted into digital text in real-time right within the input area. As you input one word after the other, the converted text automatically scrolls to the left.
Spaces can be added via the Space bar at the bottom, or once you get the hang of the keyboard. Deleting a word is as simple as crossing it out, you can insert a line break by drawing a horizontally inverted ‘L’ (‘˩ ‘) and join two words by simply scribbling a horizontal line between them.
You can also customize the text color, baseline position, ink thickness and text thickness. The app also allows customizing baseline position and auto-scrolling speed.
Download MyScript Stylus
I was able to successfully install it on my S4 and it works as it says. Though S4 don't have stylus, but you can type using your fingertip and it recognizes it very well. It takes the spaces when you stop writing. The word highlighted in blue is the one that you’re currently working with.
The handwritten input is converted into digital text in real-time right within the input area. As you input one word after the other, the converted text automatically scrolls to the left.
Spaces can be added via the Space bar at the bottom, or once you get the hang of the keyboard. Deleting a word is as simple as crossing it out, you can insert a line break by drawing a horizontally inverted ‘L’ (‘˩ ‘) and join two words by simply scribbling a horizontal line between them.
You can also customize the text color, baseline position, ink thickness and text thickness. The app also allows customizing baseline position and auto-scrolling speed.
Download MyScript Stylus
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