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Run Applications With Permanent Administrator Privileges On Windows

For many PC users, installing appliation is not a big thing. We install so many applications based on our needs. But there are many installations, which requires administrator privilege. Thought it does not require it when running the appliation. But fort hat each time you have to right click on the application and run it as administrator each time you launch the application.

Therefore, to save your time, what if we set to open it with administrator privilages everytime you run it. Windows let user to set this in the properties of the applications. Just follow the below steps:

1. Go the installed application folder. Point to *.exe file in the program files. Normally, It should be in the C:\Program Files (x86)  or C:\Program Files unless the installation location hasn’t been changed.

2. Right click on the *.exe file. Click on “Properties”

3. Switch to ” Compatibility ” tab

4. Check “Run this program as an administrator” option which is available at the bottom of the window

5. Click on ” Change settings for all users ” , if you need this to be applied for other users

6. Click on “OK” Now, Windows will remember this choice and the application will be opened with administrator privileges all the time

That's it.


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