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Convert your laptop into a WiFi hotspot

If you dont want to spend money in buying a router to set up an wireless network then Connectify is the best option to try. Connectify is a downloadable application that can turn your wireless-capable computer into a virtual router, thus allowing you to use the same Internet connection on multiple devices.

With Connectify you can wirelessly share the Internet connection in your room with your phone, tablet, gaming system, and other equally important study tools. It can be configured in a minute. Just choose the hotspot name, the password, the wifi device, security mode and internet sharing option (Enable/Disable).

The Connectify application will turn your Windows 7 laptop into a WiFi Hotspot to share the Internet with friends, co-workers, and mobile devices.

Connectify is running in the Notification Tray next to the system clock.

The Connectify can be connected in 2 different modes Access Point and Ad Hoc mode.
Access Point: When it is run in "Access Point" mode, Connectify is a real WiFi Access Point running on your computer. Any device that can connect to a regular access point, can connect to a Connectify Hotspot, with no special setup or software required.
Ad Hoc mode: When Connectify is run in "Ad Hoc" mode it sets everything up for you (Wireless card, Internet sharing, firewall, etc.) in one press of a button. It also provides advanced features like showing you what computers are connected to your network, and letting you right click them to Explore their shared drives and printers.

Download Connectify Lite Version

NOTE: The PRO version of the application includes features like Sharing Wi-Fi from 3G/4G Networks, Fully-customizable SSID, AutoInternet selection or Simple Firewall Controls.


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