The Fall Of Apple {Infographic}
Apple Vs Android war is not new for us. There was time when Apple has covered most of the market with its iPhone and other devices. But was it for that time being? Later than when Android came to market, people switched from using Apple or Windows phone to Android. The reason was user friendly interface and many other things to do.
later most of the brand smartphone manufacturer swiched to use Android. If you take current figures, Android still rules the market. Does it means that this is the end of Apple? MoneyChoice has described it using a infographic. Please see below infoegraphic to know more.
later most of the brand smartphone manufacturer swiched to use Android. If you take current figures, Android still rules the market. Does it means that this is the end of Apple? MoneyChoice has described it using a infographic. Please see below infoegraphic to know more.
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