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How To Open Multiple Windows Media Player

Some days back when I was working in my office, I came up with a problem that actually I never thought of. I wanted to play a video file and audio file in two separate player. Since, we are not allowed to install any third-party player in office it was a bit difficult task to run it. The only default player that Windows 7 provided is Windows media Player.

Though there are many, not many but hundreds of solutions that you can try. Some are like having an direct VLC player that does not require any installations. All you have to do is just run the .exe file and start the player. But still that was not feasible every time.

Therefore, after searching on internet for alternate solution, i found an utility for Windows Media Player. There is one application named, Multiple WMP. All you have to do is to just run it, activate and that's it. Now you can open multiple Windows media Player.

How to use it:
  • Unzip the file
  • Run the .exe (It does not install anything)
  • Click on the Already Enable button.

That's it.

The utility updates the WMP.exe executable do avoid the duplicate player check. Just in case anything goes wrong, the utility also makes a backup of the old player, which you can restore at any time.

Download Multiple WMP


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