Copyright by Chintan Jain is licensed under a
Book of Knowledge by Chintan Jain is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 India License. Based on a work at
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Many of the posts on are written by referencing some other technical site or blog. I have given proper backlink to such post. I have made my best to write it in my own words. Even if you feel like the post written is not changed from the original post please write a mail to "". I may also use company or product logos or screenshots or banners without seeking permission to explain the use of that product/company in details. If you are the copyright holder of these figures/logos and deem that your copyright has been infringed or that you are misrepresented by my illustrations, please let me know and I will remove the offending material asap. There might be some post which are already posted by other some time back, that can just be coincident. Even though the topics are same, the content might be different which proves that the posts are not copied. by Chintan Jain is licensed under a
Book of Knowledge by Chintan Jain is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 India License. Based on a work at
You are allowed to share the data of this website if you agree the following conditions.
If you are using any of the content from this site you have to mention the "" or "Chintan Jain" as the author, and you must link back to the original URL on
Don't copy the whole post as word to word. Try to write it in your own words. Also you must link back to
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Infringement of copyright is checked regularly. If content from is used without permission or not as described above, will file a notice with search engines such as Google and others to have the offending site removed from their search results.
Many of the posts on are written by referencing some other technical site or blog. I have given proper backlink to such post. I have made my best to write it in my own words. Even if you feel like the post written is not changed from the original post please write a mail to "". I may also use company or product logos or screenshots or banners without seeking permission to explain the use of that product/company in details. If you are the copyright holder of these figures/logos and deem that your copyright has been infringed or that you are misrepresented by my illustrations, please let me know and I will remove the offending material asap. There might be some post which are already posted by other some time back, that can just be coincident. Even though the topics are same, the content might be different which proves that the posts are not copied.
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