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Email Large Documents (2-8 GB) for Free

This is the case that happens with every one of us. You like to share all your happy moments with your friends and colleague, BF and GF, parents and wife. But sometimes the file size exceeds and you are not able to send it through mail. What to do? Also its not possible to upload such large files on the Internet. There are many reason for that. But now its possible. You can now send a 2GB size file through Internet.  LargeDocument.com helps us to do so.

LargeDocument.com is designed to allow people to easily and securely send multiple large files.

Features of using LargeDocument.com:
  • Up to 2 Gigabytes can be uploaded on a 32-bit machine.
  • Up to 8 Gigabytes can be uploaded using a 64-bit machine.
  • Largedocument creates the upload URL before the file has uploaded which allows you to send the download link without having to wait for the upload to complete.
  • If someone attempts to download the file before the upload is complete the user will see a message telling them that the file is still being uploaded and to check back later.
  • Supports all browsers and platforms.
LargeDocument.com is currently in beta release and is FREE for unlimited usage while we refine the product and work out any bugs that may arise.

Follow the steps below:

2. Click on the "Browse" button to upload the file.

3. Choose the file you want to upload and press the "Open" button.

4. When the file is being uploaded you can still click on any of the above button (Facebook, Gmail, In Twitter, Default Email Client, Copy Link to Clipboard) to directly send the link.

5. You can also "View and Manage your files in Your Upload Folder" that you have uploaded.

Interesting feature provided by Largedocument.

You can add a handy LargeDocument.com Gmail Gadget to the side of your Gmail page to send large files by following these instructions:

1. Open your gmail account and go to Settings -> Labs.

2. Search for the "Add Any Gadget by Url". Enable it by selecting the "Enable" option and Save the Changes.

3. Again go the Settings -> Gadget. Enter the url "http://www.largedocument.com/gmail.xml" and click on the Add button.

4. The LargeDocument gadget will be displayed on the left navigatioin of Gmail.

Enjoy uploading and sharing heavy files.

I hope you like this post. Please comment if you do and if you encounter some problem with the steps. M always there to help you.


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