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Transfer Android Applications Between Phones via Bluetooth

Android market has overtaken the mobile industries. The main reason for it is the android applications which makes our daily life easier.

Google Play provides us the android apps for free to download. But many times it happens that you dont have internet connection or your GPRS is not working and you are not able to download the application which your friend is using. But no worries, bluetooth is always the option for it. Yes, this is not possible with our nor bluetooth application which comes witht he phone itself. For this, Astro and Bluetooth Transfer App are the one most useful.
Transferring Android Apps via Bluetooth from One Phone to Another

1. Create APK files using Astro
2. Transfer APK files using Bluetooth Transfer App.

1. Create APK file using Astro:
  • Download & install Astro on your android phone.
  • Run the application. Press the settings key and choose “Tools” option. A pop-up will be opened.
  • Now, select “Application Backup” and wait for Astro to generate a list of all the apps installed on your mobile.
  • From the list, select the android app that you’d like to send via Bluetooth to another mobile and click the “backup” button to create the APK file.
Note: You can also choose multiple apps at a time.
  • Once the backup is finished, press the “back” key to return to Astro main screen.
  • Navigate to your SD card -> Backups -> Apps to find the APK files created by Astro.
2. Transfer APK files using Bluetooth Transfer App
  • Download, Install and Run Bluetooth Transfer App 
  • Once the app is opened, go to SD card -> Backups -> Apps and select the file you want to send to another phone and press the “Bluetooth” button.
  • The receiver can now be able to install the android app on his mobile phone without any problem.
Note: You cant send Paid application to your friend. Even if you do, the application will be converted to trial (Free Version) once installed on friends mobile.

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  1. [100% WORKING TRICK]

    Transfer Android Apps Via. Bluetooth


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