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Tweet Anyone A Link Privately

Many people posts so many things on Facebook and Twitter. If you want to post something personal to a particular friend, you will have to send it as a message or need to change the view setting. Similarly for Twitter, you don't have any such option. Whereas, Twitter is definitely one of the most effective communications platforms people use nowadays. But now you can send a private tweet link to anyone. Thanks to Privatize.

Privatize is a free web service that has the ability to send anyone a private message easily. The good and the best thing is that you dont have to register or download it. All you have to do is to visit the website, login with your account, fill in the form and there you go.

Lets see how this works:

1. Log in with Twitter to let us know who you are.

2. Specify the link you'd like to share privately and who you'd like to see it.

3. It will privatize the link and post your tweet. If someone you mentioned is on the list, they get to open the link. If they're not on the list, they get this nice little message

  • Sharing your portfolio or resume.
  • Asking for feedback on something you made.
  • Sending your friends tickets to an event or concert.
  • Showing a buddy photos that you don't want everyone to see.
  • Inviting people to anything from a beta release to a house party.
  • Teasing an upcoming product
  • Avoiding email like the plague that it is...
Visit Privatize.io


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