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Why You Should Avoid To Play Pokemon Go

Internet is running crazy for all Pokemon fans. Based on its downloading ratio, people are installing it like its one of the most important app that every smartphone needed. But while surfing on internet i came across many post that says ki Pokemon is not safe to install. Even i installed it and playing it everyday, but after going through the post, it made me re-think on should i keep it or remove it.

 While Pokemon Go is undoubtedly a global sensation in the gaming world and has boosted gamemaker Nintendo’s marketcap by $7.5 billion, it too comes with its shares of pitfalls. So to let you also know, i tried writing on it and let everyone know about it. If you also feel that its not safe, you should better remove it instantly.

1. Malicious fake apps abound:
Pokemon Go is the most happening thing that Android user is using which attracts the hacker Yet to be officially released globally, people are looking at the APK file of the game from unverified sources.

Researchers have already warned that there could be several malicious backdoor APK files of Pokemon Go. The rigged game could potentially allow a hacker to take total control of your smartphone remotely.

The game has not been officially launched in India but user can install it from Play Store and also from third party sites. So please wait for the release and then install it officially.

2. Threat to Privacy:
As we know that to run the game you need to give access to GPS Location, Camera and your internet data so the security firm TrendMicro said that for some iPhones users the game also get access to your Google accounts. It allows the gaming company to read your emails, something that should never happen.

So, if you have installed the game, better check the permission which it access. Some also, says that they even have access to messages and other personal apps.

3. Battery Drains Very Fast:
Obviously, if the game has access to GPS Location, Camera and internet the battery is going to drain very fast. So better play it when you have time to charge it also. Otherwise, when you need the mobile most, you don't have any battery left.

4. It could be dangerous:
If you seen in the news and in the internet, that while playing the game many has lost their life. People are so much involve in the game that they forget where they are walking and where they are going. The game requires users to stare at their screens continuously and the hunt for Pokemon's could lead players anywhere -- busy roads, train stations or tracks, under construction buildings, etc.

If you see, in US they have even placed signs like "Don't Pokemon and Drive".

5. The game is Free but you are still paying for it:
While the game is free, Pokemon Go might prove to be a costly affair in the long run. As the game can be played online only, your mobile data plan is sure to exhaust faster. If you are really addicted to the game, do watch out for your mobile data consumption.

There are many such reason to avoid playing this game. I will keep updating this post and will make you aware for the same. Help me by explaining this in the comment section as well.


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