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Password protect your Secret Notes

Secret Notes, what's the first thing that comes to your mind after reading this topic? Yes, i know, you must be thinking to enter all your secret things into this application. Actually thats the main use of it. Yes, the Secret Notes generally is same like Sticky Notes. But the difference here is that it is password protected. Secret Notes allows you to create notes for noting down important information and locking them with a password.

When you first start the application, you need to set an password for it which can e used for unlocking also.

It also provides basic text editing options, such as Text Color, Undo, Redo, Bold, Italics andUnderline.
One you done with your typing click on the Save button.

The main page allows you to create, delete new notes along with locking them.

This software works on Win 7, XP and Vista.


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