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Transfer old iPad data to New iPad using WiFi & iCloud

Since many days we are seeing some posts related to smartphones and iPhone. Today we will seeing something realted to ipad. Nowadays iPad are available in very cheap rates. They are so cheap that you can even buy them instead of smartphones. But there are many fake companies that guarantees of cheapest smartphones. Anyways lets come back to our point. Many of you must be having iPad. But as technology grows and new features are invented, you opt for the bettor iPad. I have some friends who are carrying two iPads. When asked for the reasons why, they said that some important application are installed in one and other applications in other iPad.

So there is a good new for them, now they can transfer all the data from the old iPad to the new one, that too without using any cables. Theonl things they will need is Wifi and iCloud connection. Click here to know how to set up an iCloud for iPad. With the help of iCloud you can easily transfer, backup all your data, including purchased applications.

How to transfer old iPad data into new iPad:

I assume that you have installed iCloud on your iPad by following the tutorial.

1. Sign-in with your Apple ID and password.

2. Connect to the Wi-Fi and go to the Settings -> iCloud.

3. Now from here you can select the data which you want to backup. To be safe, turn all of them on.

4. Now tap Storage and Backup > Manage Storage, and select your device from the list.

This way you have backup all your iPad data

Restore the data back into new iPad:
  • Now when you power you iPad for the first time, you will be offered with three different choices; set up as new iPad, restore from iCloud, or restore from iTunes back up.
  • Now select the "restore from iCloud backup" option to restore all your Old iPad data to new iPad. Keep patient, it will take some time to upload all you data which includes, your apps, photos, settings, music, contacts, and videos.
That's it. Now you are ready to use you new iPad with your data and files.


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