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Access Facebook In Excel Spreadsheet

How many of you are using Facebook? I know its a silly question. Some days back i wrote that my office has banned on using facebook and some other sites. But then i wrote a solution for it, on how to open blocked websites. In many offices like mine, all the sites are available but some sites like Gmail is not allowed. I also wrote for it on how to access Gmail when blocked. But today m going to write something about using Facebook. Facebook is one the mostly used social networking site. Many people like are addicted to it. Therefore its banned in our company. I know this is same for many others too. But now its easy to fool your admin staff or any one from your company. Bow you can use Facebook like as excel sheet.

Excel is something which is used in many companies. Using Facebook in excel wont let other know that you are using facebook under excel.

Lets see how to use Facebook in Excel:

1. Go to HardlyWork.in

2. There you will see something like "Gimme Dem Spreadsheets!". Click on it.

3. Enter your Facebook credentials and login.

4. Once you are logged in, you will see an excel sheet with all your facebook details.

5. Read it carefully, you will find everything that is on your facebook.

6. You can;
  • search your friends:

  • see the comments and like by hovering on it,
  • Logout by clicking on X, on top right corner,
  • change the spreadsheet according to your current MS Office (Vista, XP or Win7) by clicking on Cycle theme button (See screenshots of point 4,5 &6 for different themes)
  • See the wall of any friend by clicking in their name
  • Can load more by clicking Load

7. you can also view your own wall by clicking on My Wall link.

8. Can view the profile image when you hover on any friends name, displayed on the bottom right of the screen.

Yes ofcourse, the interface is not like the real Facebook. But its always good instead of having nothing. Atleast you will be in update with what's going on in Facebook. The interface is so much like excel spreadsheet that if anyone sees he will definitely feel that the person is working on excel.

Note: Houseofinfo.blogspot.com will not be responsible if you even got caught by your boss or the admin team. We will not be responsible even if you get FIRED! for using Facebook in office.


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