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Internet Explorer 10 Now Available For Windows 7

Long time back when Microsoft released Internet Explorer 10, it was available only for Windows 8. Only the preview version was made available for Windows 7. But now it has been made available for Windows 7. Microsoft has released Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7 after more than a year of testing. Currently, the update is not available for it, but you can install it manually.

IE10 has more improvements than compare to IE9, specially the featire of interface. It feels much quicker that IE 9, with its improved JavaScript performance, CSS animations and HTML 5 spell checking. Internet Explorer 10 is the entirely new browser that's built for speed and perfect for touch. The full-screen browser that's easy to use, safer, and works seamlessly with Windows 8 and Windows RT.

This time they have emphasized more on the security part. It has been much improved with an 'Enhanced Protected Mode' which locks down parts of Windows, preventing the browser from accessing the operating system. You can also activate a 'do-not-track' mode, which allows you to opt out of targeted advertisement on the web.

For more Internet Explorer 10 feature, click here.

Downloas Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7 


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