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Box.net Offering 25GB of Free Cloud Storage (Limited Offer)

Competition for free cloud storage has been started. Every one is trying their best to give maximum storage space for free. Some days back we have seen anout Mega offering free 50GB cloud storage. Therefore one of the famous cloud storage sevice Box.net is now offerring free 25GB of free storage. Before this they were offerring only 2GB. This is much more space than what competitors like Google Drive, Dropbox, and SkyDrive offer for free. This promotion is called the "Gigs for Gameday Challenge," which makes it seem like Box is trying to find any excuse to run this free storage promotion as the big game has already passed.

To get the 25GB for free, you must be a new user and must promise to use the storage for non-commercial purposes. Additionally, users who sign up for this promotion will still be subjected to the 250MB file size limit that free accounts offer. If that doesn't bother you, hit up the source link to sign up for your free 25GB of space. The expiration date is not given yet. But why to wait. Try it now.

Get 25GB storage now for free!

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