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Show Temperature, Humidity, Barometer & RGB Light Sensors On Galaxy S4

Today's post is for those who are using Samsung Galaxy S4, including me. Many of the S4 users might not be knowing but S4 has some special feature like knowing the temperature, humidity, barometer and RGB Light Sensors. With the help of this you can check the ambient temperature, pressure and humidity level of your phone and of your surrounding environment. Not only this, but it also measures the RGB and White intensity of a light source.

You can also find such third party apps on the Play Store. Using this third party apps you can utilize your Galaxy S4 sensors. But recently i came across an app which is very much accurate. The app, Galaxy S4 Sensors, gives perfect and accurate readings.

The application shows data from 4 sensors Samsung Galaxy S4:

  • Ambient air temperature,
  • Illuminance,
  • Ambient air pressure,
  • Ambient relative humidity.

Note that this app only works for Galaxy S4.

Download Galaxy S4 Sensors


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