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How Do Facebook (Ad's) Comes To Know, What You Have Searches Recently

You must all be using Facebook since long. Me too using it since many years. Apart from this, you must also be using Google for searching some thing online. This searching can include any item or things that you want to buy. But later you get to see the same thing or things related to it, on your Facebook page. It always amused me, like, how did they come to know what i am interested in buying. Are they tracking all my searches? Or are they stealing my personal information?

But after a bit of searching i found that not only Facebook but all web companies especially the large one like Google, Facebook, Twitter and many more do the same thing. They steal many of our information. But they do it for 'research purpose' and to improve the experience. Also the Facebook says, "to show you adverts based on things that we think you care about".

Many times social media giant has been accused of tracking users even if they have deleted their accounts. You won't believe but some of the researchers have even accused Facebook for putting cookies, fragments of software, in users' computers which helps them to track the user even after removing the account. Though using of cookies is not illegal, but every user should know how the cookies works and what they do.

If you see that all website used cookies. So when you search on the web for a trip to some hill station, Facebook will start showing you ads for hotel deals. Or if you liked a page of a certain company of smartphones on Facebook, you may find relevant ads on other sites too.

The sharing of user information with advertisers across the web falls under Digital Advertising Alliance. And it's not illegal, if you were thinking on those lines. In certain regions as the US, Canada, Europe, one can opt out of this advertising tool. But in countries like India, this option is not available. However, Facebook allows you to manage what you see in ads or if you don't want it to use your information from websites or apps.

All you have to do is to follow the steps below:

- Click on 'X' or arrow next to an ad. Press 'Why am I seeing this?'

- Select 'Manage Your Ad Preferences'

- This page will show you a list of preferences based on "information from your profile as well as actions you take on and off Facebook".

- You can remove a preference by clicking on the cross in front of it. Removing a preference won't reduce the number of ads, just that it will not show you ads related to it.

You can also turn off online internet-based ads from Facebook by going to Settings > Ads > Ads based on my use of websites and apps .

By following above process, it does not means that you data will not be collected, only thing that will done is that,you have asked Facebook to not use data collected from other websites. So the ads will not be based on what you do outside Facebook. Hope you understood all the logic behind ads that you see on Facebook and other websites.


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