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How Google Makes Its Money {Infographics}

We all know Google. It was a time when Google was touted as "not have a product,". But if look now, you can definitely say or tell that Google is now  one of the well known company in making good money. In 2012, Google made a staggering $33 billion, which sounds like a lots the moment you say it out loud, but break it down a little and the figure is even more breath-taking.

Have you ever thought, how this company made such a huge total in earning money? It is said that Google's profit pot is worth more than the GDP of Panama, and is more valuable than the 31 poorest countries in the world combined. 70% of this income is made through AdWords which can be used to advertise through keywords.

The most expensive keyword is "Insurance" which makes $54.31 per click. Then comes the word "Mortgage" which makes $47.12 per click. Then comes, Attorney ($47.07 per click), Loans ($44.28 per click), Credits ($36.06 per click), and the list goes on.

Large amount of ads are linked to YouTube, which was acquired by Google in 2006. It also became the third most popular website online, delivering billions of money-making ads along the way.

And Google has a fairly captive audience. It now takes care of more than 83% of all web searches, and inline ads have become so ubiquitous we tend not to give them a second thought – they are just part and parcel of being online.

To see more details of the research, bestaccountingschools has made a infographics which tell you in detail on how Google makes money.

How Google Makes Its Money


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