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Add Mac like Dock feature to Windows 7 Taskbar

I once had a problem when i first saw the Mac machine. I was not able to play with the Mac machine. Ofcourse, we are very much use to Windows and if suddenly a Mac machine is kept in front of us and said to do some stupid things, we wont be able to do that. I was finding it very difficult to explore the Mac machine. But now m very much use to it. The best thing that i like (one of the best) in the Mac machine was the Dock functionality. It looks so good when you click on it and it expands upwards and you can access all your files and folders from that dock. I wished that Windows would come up with one such feature which will attract me to it. But after long time now it does. Now, Windows 7 users can add Mac style Dock feature. This is possible by using the StandaloneStack application.

Standalone Stack is a freeware that can launch any folder in Mac's dock style popup that appear when you click on it and and fade out when you move or click away.

Let see how to use it.

1. Download Standalone Stack from this link.

2. Unzip the file and run the application "StandaloneStack2.exe".
Note: It is a portable version, so you don't need to install it. Just run it :)

3. An option screen is displayed with all its setting. Prefer not to change anything or you can change it as per your need. (I didn't change anything).

4. Now to create your own stack, go to My Stake section and click on the "New Stack".

5. Enter your Stack name and press Create Stack.

6. We will need the shortcut on the desktop, press on Create Shortcut.

7. A window will appear to ask you the path to where the save the shortcut. Select desktop.

8. Once the shortcut appears on the desktop, drag it to taskbar.

That's it. Just click on it to view and enjoy the Mac style Dock on Windows.

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