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Unlock Hidden Windows 7 Themes

Some days back we have seen some post related to hide the things. Some of them were,
Hide/Show Hidden Files and Extensions from System, Hide Your Personal Folder By Camouflaging, and many more. Why do we need to hide our personal data? Ofcourse, for security reasons or to let it personal. Also, we dont tell people that you have hide some personal data here ot there. Ofcourse, if it is said, then it wont be personal anymore.

Similarly, Windows 7 also has some hidden themes. Yes, you might not be knowing, but during installation, some of the themes get installed and some not, based on the locatoin selected during installationwhen you define your language and location. All the hidden themes are for different places like Australia, Canada, india, South Africa and many more. This themes are not activated and is not available for use.

How to unhide all the hidden themes:

1. Click on START button and paste the following path in the Search Box and press Enter.
You can also paste the following path in the Run dialog box.


Here "C:\" is the path where you have installed your Windows. Can vary if Windows is installed on other drives.

2. Once you run this path an MCT folder will be displayed. You can see different folders for different locations.

3. Open any of the folder. It will again contain some folders. Open the folder with name "Themes".

4. You will find the theme file in that folder. Double click on the theme file to activate it.

5. The theme will get applied to your Windows 7 and the theme will be displayed in the "Personalization" control panel in the "My themes" section.

You can add the rest of the hidden themes in the same way one by one. Its still question that why Microsoft allowed to choose only one theme at a time. You can activate only one theme at a time and only one theme will be added in the Personalization control panel. Every time you have to choose one to activate them.

Hope you like this post. If yes, please share your comments and Like the post. For any queries please contact me on "bookofknowledge.blog@gmail.com"


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