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Download and Backup Your Google Account Data

Google's Gmail is use for many things other than only emailing. Google has also provided us many such features which are useful for us in our day to day life. We have already seen some post which describe the features of Google' gmail and others. We use gmail for mails and along with that for storing or uploading our important documents, photos and many such things. But have you ever thought what if our account gets blocked or hacked by any hacker? All your data will be lost. This should not be happen with anybody, coz many times what we store in it is our sweet memories or any confidential data like contacts, images, messages, documents, etc.

Therefore Google provide us a way to download or backup all our data whenever we want. In short it downloads all data in our account.

Follow the steps below to download/backup your account data:

1. Login To your Gmail Account

2. Click on your "Account" and select "Account Setting".

3. Select "Data Liberation" from your Left window Pane.

4. Click on "Download your Data" button and follow the steps.

If you want to have Backup of any/only individual service then select only that service for Backup and follow the steps.

This way you can backup all your gmail account data and never loose any of your data.


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