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Find The Font Used In Any Website

When we create some website there are many things that are needed to kneep in mind. Out of which some are using nice images, background and some gadgets on the web which attracts the user. Many times when we are surfing the internet, we come across some websites which uses very fancy and attractive fonts. And we too wanted to use the same font for our use.  But how do we find which font is the website is using. Yes there is way of seeing the font name in the source code or in the CSS. But its too much time consuming. Since, there are hundreds of fonts available.

WhatFont Tool is the solution for this, It is a simple and easy to use bookmarklet which can quickly tell us which font the website is using.

Lets discover some fonts:

1. Go to WhatFont website.

2. Download and install it.
It is available as an extension for Google Chroime and Safari and as a bookmarklet.

3.  I installed the bookmarkelt. For that click on the Bookmarketlet text and drag the WhatFont button to your bookmark bar.

4. Now open the website you want to know the font used in it and click on the WhatFont bookmark you created

5. Now point you cursor on the text you want to know the font.

6. It displays the font name when you hover your mouse on any of the text. If you click on the font name displayed, it shows the detail including the family, font size, line height etc.

7. Once done, you can exit the WhatFont mode on the browser.

WhatFont also supports Typekit and Google Font API.

The bookmarklet has full support for Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 9+, Safari 4+, Internet Explorer 9 and limited support: Internet Explorer 8.


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